10 tips to give up smoking with CBD

10 tips to give up smoking with CBD

With this article, “10 tips to quit smoking with CBD”, we will surprise you with a guide that, along with your own effort, will lead you to freedom.

We know that CBD oil can help you overcome nicotine addiction. But it is also true that we are not talking about a miracle compound. None of the known methods can guarantee 100% success in the arduous task of quitting tobacco. It must be combined with other activities and habits that ensure success in completely quitting tobacco use.

Here are ten tips, easily applicable, that will help you overcome withdrawal syndrome gradually and effortlessly, with the help of CBD or cannabidiol:

We will calm your anxiety with CBD. Your body does not receive its daily dose of nicotine. With CBD oil you will reduce the feeling of “need” which, as we all know, can be very difficult to control. Take five drops of CBD oil twice a day at least, you can increase the dose to double, it depends on how you feel, your body weight and the purity you manage.

CBD has no side effects, so we don’t need to worry about the dosage, just the proven result. In this way your brain will feel less pressured by the nicotine withdrawal syndrome.
You are going to want to smoke at some point, this is so, but you must resist. Tobacco addiction is there. When this happens, put five drops under the tongue, taste the product and try not to drink water until the flavor is very intense. CBD oil is good for your mucosa and will work on your brain reducing anxiety from smoking.

Don’t buy tobacco and try not to ask anyone. Do not have tobacco nearby, you must resist if you really want to quit smoking. Try to avoid smokers for at least the first two weeks. Occupy your mind with something different, a new book, a new sport, art … any activity that keeps you busy.

Do as much exercise as you can (aerobic especially, work your lungs). Change your routine, go walking to work for example. Avoid sedentary lifestyle and try spending more time outdoors, on the beach or in the country, where you don’t remember having to smoke.
It is very possible that at work you have colleagues who smoke. Routines from fellow smokers are sometimes created during breaks. It is a time to chat and become intimate with friends and colleagues, and to smoke. It may be time to try something new and fool your brain. The so-called electronic cigarette, actually a vaper, can be a good distraction for when you feel like smoking at times socially associated with tobacco use. Use now your electronic cigarette with e-liquid vaping with CBD.

We all know what happens when we drink alcohol. If you find yourself in a social situation where your brain, relaxed by alcohol, orders you to smoke and you can’t resist it, take your CBD oil with you and try putting five drops under your tongue. If you still feel like smoking, use the vaper loaded with CBD e-liquid to avoid relapsing into cigarette smoking.

You should eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, especially those that purify the lungs, such as broccoli. Drink purifying and relaxing teas to calm anxiety, and plenty of water to purify the body as much as possible. You must remove all toxic substances from your body, it is what causes your addiction.
Try drinking infusions of hemp tea to keep your body hydrated and your mind distracted from tobacco. Hemp tea has antioxidants, so it will help counteract the damage of smoking and keep you busy.

We know that it is difficult to quit smoking. If you can give it up completely the first time it means that your addiction is not as strong and that you have a powerful mind. If, on the other hand, it is very difficult for you, set short-term goals, for days, for weeks, a goal of one month, and count the cigarettes smoked for each week and month. Try to reduce tobacco use to less than half of cigarettes per week at the beginning. Count each cigarette you smoke in relapse as a step back that you have to go back to go as long as possible without smoking, from a month onwards as far as you can. To avoid relapse you should consume CBD oil and use the vape, so you can reduce anxiety.

Avoid situations that remind you of tobacco, change your habits, keep your mind busy, try to do something new and don’t give up. Sometimes your brain can play tricks on you. CBD oil regulates the body, calms anxiety and can be an effective support for quitting tobacco permanently.

Despite all these tips, we must tell you that you will only stop smoking if you really want to. These ten tips will help you face the first days and weeks, but the final result will depend on your tenacity and discipline. The vaper has been revealed as a good tool for quitting tobacco. This, together with CBD, generates a formula within reach, which can make the journey much easier, until you stop smoking indefinitely.

CBD oil helps you overcome anxiety, according to some studies, associated with tobacco withdrawal syndrome. In addition, the electronic cigarette with CBD e-liquid can be an effective support to get you quit smoking.

Therapeutic applications of cannabis

The therapeutic applications of cannabis is due to the assimilation of these by the body, since it has receptors that can process these molecules. This endocannabinoid system has certain areas of...

General concepts about what is CBD

What is CBD? CBD is an acronym for cannabidiol, one of the active substances present in the cannabis plant, popularly known as marijuana. CBD is a non-psychotropic phytocanabinoid, that is, it has...

CBD oil effects and benefits

Every day there is more and more talk about CBD oil, as its incredible medicinal properties have brought about a revolution in the field of complementary natural treatments for chronic ailments;...

CBD for depression and anxiety

CBD for depression and anxiety. Every time we know more evidence that shows it. Numerous experiments have been performed that give us information about how CBD works in cases of depression and...


From TodoCBD, we offer you a summary of various investigations of CBD for AIDS / HIV. HIV is a typically asymptomatic virus that causes AIDS and interferes with the body's ability to fight...

10 tips to give up smoking with CBD

How to give up smoking with CBD

How to give up smoking with CBD

I remember 8 or 9 years old that I took a cigarette from my mother and a lighter, I went to the bathroom and lit my first cigarette, I don’t think it took me to the lungs in my first puff, but I do remember that it tasted like lightning . I felt one of the biggest disgusts in my life. I could not have imagined that this was my first experience and that I am now writing a post about how I overcome my hell and How to quit smoking with CBD.
In the olden days, smoking with a child or in a car with them, at home or wherever was not considered insane. To this day, I still see him and look impassively at smokers with babies or smoking in parks, and I see in their eyes that they have no idea why I look at them with disgust. The disease is such that they say … ah, nothing happens to it because of a little smoke, the smoke from the cars is worse …
Actually, most smokers are not aware of how unpleasant smoke is for someone who does not smoke and is not a passive addict … Yes, a passive addict is one who likes to smell the smoke of others. Already a very light addict, this profile has a good chance of being a future smoker.
From 2001 to 2015 I have been an active tobacco smoker. Because passive, I was long before, when smoking was allowed everywhere. Restaurants, hotels, schools, even in hospitals I have smoked.

After a period of great stress where each story surpassed the previous one, I smoked almost two packs of cigarettes a day.
I knew that smoking was bad, but well, like everything, but the amount of tobacco I smoked in those months was at least two packages a day. I smoked like there was no tomorrow.
The consequence came, for smoking
For some time now they told me that I woke up in the middle of the night as if suffocating, apart from this I realized that it sounded like a beep when I breathed when sleeping …
With these symptoms, I was able not to quit tobacco. I tried to reduce it, make up stories, but it was a waste of time.
The biggest problems that I saw reflected in my body, or so I saw, about tobacco addiction, were two:
I started coughing a lot at night and the feeling was that between coughs and coughs I didn’t have time to catch air and I was left with nothing to expel in the next cough. Indescribable, my lungs seemed to be breaking.
With every sigh or minimal cough, a taste of blood came to my mouth.
Both for case one and two, I looked them up on the internet and everything related to smoking. On the one hand, the reduction of the respiratory ducts caused a hissing sound with the passage of air. And case number two, even more serious was the icing on the cake, as I saw the physical damage represented in blood in my mouth every time the breathing was stronger than normal.
As a drastic decision I radically quit tobacco, I did not smoke, but I decided to quit and suffered it.
Having two days of abstinence, my health, I think, was unfortunately recovering, but I sinned as the body asked me for poison … and I gave a few puffs to a cigarette. At night the symptoms returned strongly … After this irrefutable test, I really decided to leave tobacco for my whole life.
stop smoking with CBD

CBD oil was recommended to me and I decided to give it a try as I had tried quitting a thousand times before and this time it had to be my last.
I took the path of just taking CBD oil and smoking a lot less and when I did I would drop CBD oil on my cigarette, a drop. After several weeks, he only smoked two or three a day. Already at this level I bought an electronic cigarette and took the step of leaving it entirely. I used CBD oil at 7.6% CBD and CBD vaping liquid at 1.5% CBD.
This was so and continues to this day. In addition to quitting smoking with CBD, I have discovered the potential benefits of cannabidiol for therapeutic use.
It can be said that I have come out of a sentence. There are many that are presented to us and in which we are involved, but I have definitely gotten rid of the worst, the most carcinogenic and the most addictive …
I never have a cough, the phlegm that I expel “from time to time” is totally clean, it does not claw my throat, nor do I have punctures in my chest, I am able to climb the stairs three by three and as if nothing …

Therapeutic applications of cannabis

The therapeutic applications of cannabis is due to the assimilation of these by the body, since it has receptors that can process these molecules. This endocannabinoid system has certain areas of...

CBD for epilepsy

There are numerous studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of CBD oil for epilepsy. However, the many real cases and testimonies of people affected by this condition that have proven the...

Cannabidiol potential medical benefits

Presented by Nora D. Volkow, Director, National Institute of Drug Abuse Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control. June 24, 2015 Cannabidiol: Barriers to research and medical benefits of CBD...

Survey of parents on the use of cannabis and cannabidiol for epilepsy resistant to pediatric treatment

Brenda E. Porter and Catherine Jacobson Department of Neurology, Stanford University; December 2003 Summary Severe childhood epilepsies are characterized by frequent seizures, delays in neurological...


From TodoCBD, we offer you a summary of various investigations of CBD for AIDS / HIV. HIV is a typically asymptomatic virus that causes AIDS and interferes with the body's ability to fight...

CBD for depression and anxiety

CBD for depression and anxiety. Every time we know more evidence that shows it. Numerous experiments have been performed that give us information about how CBD works in cases of depression and...

10 tips to give up smoking with CBD

With this article, "10 tips to quit smoking with CBD", we will surprise you with a guide that, along with your own effort, will lead you to freedom. We know that CBD oil can help you overcome...

How to give up smoking with CBD

How to give up smoking with CBD I remember 8 or 9 years old that I took a cigarette from my mother and a lighter, I went to the bathroom and lit my first cigarette, I don't think it took me to the...

5 reasons to take CBD oil daily

5 reasons to take CBD oil daily. All CBD lists 5 reasons to take CBD oil daily. We think it is very necessary that the benefits of CBD use be disclosed, so we would like to guide you in the use of...

CBD oil, hemp extract

CBD Oil is used for health purposes, but it is controversial. There is some confusion about what it is, and its effect on the human body. Cannabidiol (CBD) may have some health benefits, and no side...

CBD oil effects and benefits

Every day there is more and more talk about CBD oil, as its incredible medicinal properties have brought about a revolution in the field of complementary natural treatments for chronic ailments;...

CBD Oil vs Hemp Oil

If you are interested in buying CBD oil, read this article on "CBD oil vs hemp oil" surely you will have found a wide variety of offers on the market, not only from brands but also from other...

General concepts about what is CBD

What is CBD? CBD is an acronym for cannabidiol, one of the active substances present in the cannabis plant, popularly known as marijuana. CBD is a non-psychotropic phytocanabinoid, that is, it has...

Buy CBD Oil

Buy CBD oil, improve your health CBD oil is the extract from the cannabinoid known as cannabidiol. It is extracted from the cannabis plant, has no psychotropic effects, and is perfectly legal in...

CBD oil to orgasm

CBD OIL FOR THE MOST INTENSE ORGASMS. CBD oil is normally used as a medicinal treatment, but CBD Oil for orgasms is being used, most popularly in use as a lubricating oil and sexual stimulator....

5 reasons to take CBD oil daily

5 reasons to take CBD oil daily

5 reasons to take CBD oil daily.

All CBD lists 5 reasons to take CBD oil daily. We think it is very necessary that the benefits of CBD use be disclosed, so we would like to guide you in the use of CBD and improve many aspects of your health. Understand each of the reasons to take CBD, use it, check its properties and from there live with less pain, a better immune system, etc …

1 – CBD from hemp will boost your endocannabinoid system

Your endocannabinoid system is a series of receptors that helps maintain homeostasis in your body. Two main receptors, CB1 and CB2, have been identified. The endocannabinoid CB1 receptors are primarily concentrated in the brain and peripheral organs, while the CB2 receptors are associated with your immune system.

 In your brain, endocanabinoid receptors help repair damaged neurons, and they have recently been shown to create new neurons. Something that was previously thought impossible.

 As part of your immune system, endocannabinoid receptors help eliminate free radicals, toxins, and mutated cells, while supporting the health of normal cells.

2 – CBD from hemp is an effective anti-inflammatory agent

Inflammation is a response of the immune system to damage or disease. Some forms of inflammation are a natural and healthy response. For example, if you sprain your ankle blood runs to the area to protect it and help repair damaged tissue.

However, chronic inflammation can cause serious forms of illness and has been linked to countless neurological disorders. Chronic inflammation can be caused by everything from your diet, environmental pollutants, to long periods of stress.

As mentioned earlier, the endocannabinoid CB2 receptor is most commonly associated with the immune system. Hemp CBD can help strengthen the endocannabinoid system to effectively eliminate chronic inflammation.

3 – CBD from hemp is a powerful antioxidant

Antioxidants eliminate harmful free radicals in our system. Free radicals are atoms with an odd (unpaired) number of electrons and can be formed when oxygen interacts with certain molecules. The main concern comes from the damage they do when they react with important cellular components like DNA or the cell membrane. Cells can malfunction or die if this occurs. Damaged and dying cells are the root of aging and disease.

Hemp CBD is such a powerful antioxidant and neuroprotector that the US government holds a patent on it.

4 – CBD from hemp can help protect your neurons

Hemp CBD has also been shown to have neuroprotective properties in cell cultures, as well as in animal models of various neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, glutamate toxicity, multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s disease and neurodegeneration caused by alcohol abuse.

Equally important as the treatment of these neurodegenerative diseases, CBD from hemp can help strengthen neurons and their pathways, preventing you from having to fight with them at all.

5 – CBD from hemp can lead to a better night’s sleep
With all of these amazing hemp CBD benefits, it’s pretty safe to say you’ll feel great after using it. That good feeling will lead to better sleep.

Using CBD can really have an immediate energizing effect. However, after a couple of weeks of use your body begins to use CBD more efficiently and creates a soothing, focused effect.

If you are using hemp CBD as a sleep aid, try taking it at least 2-3 hours before bed.

CBD for epilepsy

There are numerous studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of CBD oil for epilepsy. However, the many real cases and testimonies of people affected by this condition that have proven the...

General concepts about what is CBD

What is CBD? CBD is an acronym for cannabidiol, one of the active substances present in the cannabis plant, popularly known as marijuana. CBD is a non-psychotropic phytocanabinoid, that is, it has...

Survey of parents on the use of cannabis and cannabidiol for epilepsy resistant to pediatric treatment

Brenda E. Porter and Catherine Jacobson Department of Neurology, Stanford University; December 2003 Summary Severe childhood epilepsies are characterized by frequent seizures, delays in neurological...

CBD oil to orgasm

CBD OIL FOR THE MOST INTENSE ORGASMS. CBD oil is normally used as a medicinal treatment, but CBD Oil for orgasms is being used, most popularly in use as a lubricating oil and sexual stimulator....

CBD for depression and anxiety

CBD for depression and anxiety. Every time we know more evidence that shows it. Numerous experiments have been performed that give us information about how CBD works in cases of depression and...

Buy CBD Oil

Buy CBD oil, improve your health CBD oil is the extract from the cannabinoid known as cannabidiol. It is extracted from the cannabis plant, has no psychotropic effects, and is perfectly legal in...

10 tips to give up smoking with CBD

With this article, "10 tips to quit smoking with CBD", we will surprise you with a guide that, along with your own effort, will lead you to freedom. We know that CBD oil can help you overcome...

How to give up smoking with CBD

How to give up smoking with CBD I remember 8 or 9 years old that I took a cigarette from my mother and a lighter, I went to the bathroom and lit my first cigarette, I don't think it took me to the...

CBD Oil vs Hemp Oil

If you are interested in buying CBD oil, read this article on "CBD oil vs hemp oil" surely you will have found a wide variety of offers on the market, not only from brands but also from other...

CBD oil effects and benefits

Every day there is more and more talk about CBD oil, as its incredible medicinal properties have brought about a revolution in the field of complementary natural treatments for chronic ailments;...

Therapeutic applications of cannabis

The therapeutic applications of cannabis is due to the assimilation of these by the body, since it has receptors that can process these molecules. This endocannabinoid system has certain areas of...

5 reasons to take CBD oil daily

5 reasons to take CBD oil daily. All CBD lists 5 reasons to take CBD oil daily. We think it is very necessary that the benefits of CBD use be disclosed, so we would like to guide you in the use of...

CBD oil, hemp extract

CBD Oil is used for health purposes, but it is controversial. There is some confusion about what it is, and its effect on the human body. Cannabidiol (CBD) may have some health benefits, and no side...

Cannabidiol potential medical benefits

Presented by Nora D. Volkow, Director, National Institute of Drug Abuse Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control. June 24, 2015 Cannabidiol: Barriers to research and medical benefits of CBD...


From TodoCBD, we offer you a summary of various investigations of CBD for AIDS / HIV. HIV is a typically asymptomatic virus that causes AIDS and interferes with the body's ability to fight...

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CBD oil, hemp extract

CBD oil, hemp extract

Improve your health !!!


CBD Oil is used for health purposes, but it is controversial. There is some confusion about what it is, and its effect on the human body.

Cannabidiol (CBD) may have some health benefits, and no side effects yet discovered.

The content of this post:

What is CBD oil?
How does CBD oil work?
CBD oil benefits
What is CBD oil?

CBD is the name of a compound found in the cannabis plant. It is one of the numerous compounds found in the plant called canibinoids. Researchers have been studying the possible therapeutic uses of CBD oil.

Oils that contain concentrations of CBD are known as CBD oil, but the concentration and uses of different oils vary.

Is CBD marijuana?

Until recently, the best-known compound in cannabis was delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This is the most active ingredient in marijuana.

Marijuana contains THC and CBD, but the compounds have different effects.

THC is well known for altering the mind when it breaks down from heat and enters the body, such as when the plant is smoked or cooked for meals.

CBD is not psychoactive. This means that it does not change the mood of the person who uses it. However, it appears to produce significant changes in the body, and may have medical benefits.

Most of the CBD used medicinally is found in the least processed form of the cannabis plant, known as hemp.

Hemp and marijuana come from the same plant, cannabis sativa, but they are very different.


How CBD Oil Works

All cannabinoids, including CBD, bind to certain receptors in the body to produce their effects, and the human body produces certain cannabinoids on its own. It has two receptors for cannabinoids, called CB1 receptors and CB2 receptors.

CB1 receptors are found throughout the body, but many of them are in the brain. CB1 receptors in the brain deal with coordination and movement, pain, emotions and mood, thinking, appetite, and memories, among others. THC binds to these receptors.

CB2 receptors are more common in the immune system. They have an effect on inflammation and pain. CBD used to be thought to act on these CB2 receptors, but now CBD does not appear to act directly on any of the receptors. Instead, it seems to influence the body to use more of its own cannabinoids.

Potential health benefits

Due to the way CBD works in the body, it has many potential uses. CBD oil is taken orally, rubbed into the skin, and is sometimes inhaled through steam or used intravenously to produce its effects.

Natural pain relief or anti-inflammatory properties

People often use prescription or over-the-counter medications to relieve pain and stiffness, including chronic pain.

Some people feel that CBD oil offers a more natural way to decrease pain. A study published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine found that CBD oil significantly reduced chronic inflammation and pain in some mice and rats. The researchers suggest that non-psychoactive compounds in marijuana, such as CBD, could be a new treatment for chronic pain.

CBD is already in use for some conditions that cause chronic pain, such as multiple sclerosis and fibromyalgia.

Quit smoking and withdraw drugs

There is some promising evidence that the use of CBD oil can help people quit smoking. A pilot study published in Addictive Behaviors found that smokers using an inhaler containing the CBD compound smoked fewer cigarettes but had no additional desire for nicotine.

Another similar study published in Neurotherapeutics found that CBD may be a promising substance for people who abuse opiates.

The researchers noted that some symptoms experienced by patients with substance use disorders may be reduced by CBD. These include anxiety, mood symptoms, pain, and insomnia. These are early findings, but they suggest that CBD can be used to prevent or reduce withdrawal symptoms.

Epilepsy and other mental health disorders

CBD is also being studied for its possible role in the treatment of epilepsy and neuropsychiatric disorders.

A review published in Epilepsy noted that CBD has anti-seizure properties and a low risk of side effects for people with epilepsy.

Studies on the effect of CBD on neurological disorders suggest that it can help treat many of the disorders that are related to epilepsy, such as neurodegeneration, neuronal injury, and psychiatric illness. Another study published in Current Pharmaceutical Design found that CBD can have effects similar to certain antipsychotic drugs, and that it can be safe and effective in treating patients with schizophrenia.

Helps fight cancer

CBD has been studied for use as an anticancer agent.

A review published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology notes that CBD appears to block cancer cells from spreading around the body and invading an area entirely. The review indicates that CBD tends to suppress the growth of cancer cells and promote the death of these cells.

The researchers note that CBD oil may help in cancer treatment due to its low levels of toxicity. They ask that it be studied together with standard treatments, to check for synergistic effects.

Anxiety disorders

Chronic anxiety patients are often advised to avoid cannabis, as THC can trigger or amplify anxiety and paranoia in some people. However, a review by Neurotherapeutics suggests that CBD oil may help reduce anxiety felt by people with certain anxiety disorders.

The researchers point to studies showing that CBD oil can reduce anxiety behaviors in disorders such as:

Post traumatic stress disorder
General anxiety disorder
panic disorder
social anxiety disorder
obsessive compulsive disorder
The review notes that current medications for these disorders can lead to additional symptoms and side effects,

General concepts about what is CBD

What is CBD?

CBD is an acronym for cannabidiol, one of the active substances present in the cannabis plant, popularly known as marijuana. CBD is a non-psychotropic phytocanabinoid, that is, it has no effect as a recreational drug. Cannabinoids are complex chemicals that have a direct impact on the central nervous system and the immune system. Basically, cannabinoids are capable of coupling to certain receptors that activate certain organic functions. Thus, it is known that there are cannabinoids that are capable of stimulating the appropriate receptors to treat neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Hungtintong, among others. Furthermore, these substances have been shown to be incredibly effective in treating cancer. It has been proven through numerous studies that CBD oil can treat the symptoms of chemotherapy and prevent tumor growth and development. CBD health benefits Cannabinoids like CBD work by coupling to special receptors, which in turn has a particular effect on the body, depending on the receptors they are attached to. These substances have been shown to have a direct impact on brain cells, on the immune system, among others. That is why its range of action is so wide and effective. CBD for cancer: CBD oil inhibits tumor growth. It stimulates apoptosis, prevents the growth of blood vessels in the tumor, and prevents cancer cells from multiplying. They also protect healthy cells during treatments like chemotherapy. It is particularly effective in treating colon, liver, breast and lung cancer. Stimulates appetite: which is essential in the treatment of diseases such as anorexia nervosa or induced by other medical conditions, as well as during the treatment of cancer or other chronic diseases. Analgesic: Another of the health benefits of CBD is that the receptors of these substances are capable of inhibiting acute pain, in addition to having anti-inflammatory effects. Likewise, they act as a preventive and protective element for nerve damage caused by some chemotherapy treatments. Anxiety and depression: CBD has a direct effect on the areas of the brain that allow controlling anxiety, depression and help regulate sleep patterns
CBD oil to orgasm

CBD oil to orgasm


CBD oil is normally used as a medicinal treatment, but CBD Oil for orgasms is being used, most popularly in use as a lubricating oil and sexual stimulator.

Don’t you get to orgasm? Use CBD oil to have intense and lasting orgasms.

There are many women who live without being able to have a sexual relationship with explosive and complete orgasms. Many of these women may reach a similar climax, but never reach the final sensation of intense orgasm. This is the profile that can benefit most from CBD Oil for Orgasms.

From Todo CBD we encourage you to try CBD Oil as a stimulating and lubricating gel, in order to have more intense and lasting orgasms. This legal cannabinoid can give you the step you need to reach special orgasms. The use of this cannabinoid for sex has been fully tested by many users.

How to use CBD oil, as a sexual stimulator ?, I want to reach orgasm…

Although most think that consumption is, under the tongue, in this case we refer to its use externally. That is to say that CBD Oil should be used as a stimulating gel and used on the clitoris and lips of the vagina. Doing a small pre-intercourse massage on the mentioned points. You usually wait 5 minutes, which come very well in sexual pre-warming.

Will there be new sensations in the climax, with CBD oil?

The first sensations are of temperature increase and a relaxation of the vaginal muscles. You will probably notice a tingling in these muscles. Already in the sexual act you will notice different sensations more pleasant and lasting, so that you can reach orgasm much easier and with more intense and lasting sensations.

There are several sensations that many women tell us when they use CBD Oil for their sexual relations. We could emphasize first of all that each woman is different, but we can combine small details and comments such as increased comfort level and improvements in blood flow.

Cannabidiol or CBD oil, being a vasodilator, lowers blood pressure and increases pulsations, carrying more oxygen in the blood.

The most shared comment by all the women who have tried it.

The most shared comment among women who have tried it, was the increase in times they reached orgasm, and specified, that not any orgasms but special and intense orgasms.