CBD for cancer

Given six months to live, survivor Darren Miller credits his CBD oil treatment for cancer.

In July 2015, Illinois resident Darren Miller went to the hospital with a variety of unusual symptoms. After open heart surgery that occurred a few days later, on his 50th birthday, he was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer and told him that he only had six months to live. However, six months later, Miller tested the wrong doctors for rid of cancer, with the help of CBD oil for cancer.

Miller was no stranger to CBD’s healing power for cancer. He was already using the plant to help him with Multiple Sclerosis when he received his cancer diagnosis. Miller’s brother, who is also a cannabis patient, alerted him to the ECS Therapy Group, where he learned about cannabis oil as a possible cancer treatment. ECS Co-Founder Mark Pedersen works as a liaison between doctors and patients and was able to help Miller navigate his options when it comes to cannabis treatment options.

Through ECS, Miller discovered that his best option was to become a California resident in order to obtain the high-THC and CBD cannabis oil produced there, the type that cancer cells have been shown to die and go away. And so, after their first round of palliative chemotherapy, Miller and his wife filled their lives and made their way from Illinois to California, so that he could access this possible miracle cure.

All in one day, Miller rented an apartment, met with a cannabis-friendly doctor, and registered as a medical marijuana patient with the state of California. According to Miller, cannabis oil or CBD oil that cures cancer is “easy to make, but not easy to find.” He ended up going to four or five different dispensaries before finding the oil, which is similar to Rick Simpson Oil and causes tumors to die, at The Emerald Room Dispensary.

Cannabis oil, which requires a full pound of high THC Indica to make about 2 ounces, is not only difficult to find, but also expensive. According to Miller, a 90-day supply can go up to $ 3,000, which is not covered by insurance. But, he had located the medicine he was looking for.

Frank Brown, manager of the Emerald Room, shares more about the cancer-fighting regimen. “We found that the most effective treatment for cancer is high-THC cannabis oil that contains more than 55 percent or more THC,” explains Brown. “It is essential that the patient follows a strict protocol at the same time, understanding that cannabis, oils and extracts are very personal. Over the course of 90 days, the patient needs to ingest 60 grams of THC oil, and reevaluate thereafter. “

Miller ended up doing two rounds of the 90-day treatment in California, returning to Illinois from time to time to supplement with his palliative chemotherapy. After six months of this regimen his doctors found he was in remission from lung cancer, a disease that had supposedly marked him for death after just a few months.

Since Miller, the Emerald Room has helped treat more than 60 people battling different forms of cancer with cannabis oil. Brown encourages those interested in oil to ensure they are receiving the highest possible grade.

“Make sure that all the oils you have purchased have been laboratory tested to identify if the oils are clean and free of traces of pesticides, harmful solvents and insects,” he warns. “Make sure whoever buys your extracts and / or oils is reputable, like Todo CBD. Be deeply aware of the fact that if you chose to buy the product from unpleasant and / or unreliable sources, what you might be buying It may not have any healing potential at all. If you buy a junk extract, it will not work, so there are no positive results. Remember: It is imperative that you do your research initially to ensure that the extracts / oil are produced correctly.

Still cancer-free, Miller is incredibly passionate about the healing properties of cannabis and is doing the equivalent of shouting it from every roof. He and his wife have since moved to Illinois and work with cancer patients, educating them about cannabis oil and the remarkable benefits of it and how to create / access it. One of the big problems is that in Illinois, it is illegal to grow marijuana, but it is legal to produce cannabis oil. That means patients need to buy an incredibly expensive amount of high-THC cannabis – which is most likely not available in state dispensaries – instead of growing it to produce the healing oil. But that doesn’t stop Miller.

“Sometimes breaking the rules is what it takes to save the world,” he says, knowing how changeable this medicine can be.


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CBD oil for breast cancer

There is an urgent need to develop innovative ways to treat breast cancer that has become resistant to established therapies. We seek to identify new agents by examining natural products with validated anticancer properties.

This study has focused on the cannabinoid CBD for cancer, which induces cytotoxicity in human glioma, leukemia, and breast cancer cells in vitro and inhibits metastasis of breast cancer cells. We explored the molecular mechanisms by which PCD-induced CBD in breast cancer cell lines, and examined the intricate relationship between CBD-induced apoptosis, autophagy, and ROS generation.

We found that CBD inhibited the survival of both estrogen receptor positive and estrogen receptor negative breast cancer cell lines and induced apoptosis in a concentration dependent manner. Furthermore, at these concentrations, CBD for cancer had little effect on MCF-10A cells, non-tumor mammary cells.

These data increase the convenience of CBD as an anticancer agent, because they suggest that CBD preferentially kills breast cancer cells, while minimizing damage to normal breast tissue.

Many cannabinoids mediate its effects by binding to CB1, CB2, or the vallinoid receptor. However, our results indicate that CBD induces PCD independent of these receptors.

This is a promising area for future research in that the identification of the receptor through which CBD for cancer, through its anticancer effects, may better inform the design of new drugs with a mechanism of action similar to CBD Oil.

In this study it was shown that CBD oil induced both apoptosis and autophagy-induced death in breast cancer cells. Apoptosis PCD is well documented, while autophagy mediated by cell death is a relatively recent discovery, and there is much to be learned about factors that prefer autophagy to self-protection or self-destruction.

CBD oil for cancer Recent studies support the growing evidence that ER stress can trigger autophagic cell death. Induction of ER stress was observed in MDAMB-231 cells within 2 hours of CBD treatment, followed by accumulation of LC3-II, leading us to conclude that CBD-induced autophagy in breast cancer cells it does not maintain homeostasis.

Rather, in this context, autophagy is cytodestructive and leads to PCD. Based on recent publications demonstrating that the AKT / mTOR pathway can inhibit autophagy, and that ER stress can block this pathway, the effect of CBD oil on AKT / mTOR signaling, which is dysregulated in many, was examined. neoplasms.

It was found that CBD decreased phosphorylation of AKT, mTOR, and 4EBP1, and decreased cyclin D1 levels in breast cancer cells. Furthermore, simultaneously with the inhibition of AKT / mTOR signaling, CBD raised the levels of PARP and LC3-II, markers for the induction of apoptosis and autophagy, respectively, suggesting that CBD oil may induce PCD in cells of breast cancer by inhibiting AKT / mTOR signaling.

Apoptosis may be induced by the intrinsic pathway (which is mediated by the mitochondria) or signaling of death receptors on the cell surface.

CBD was found to induce caspase-8 activation, t-BID generation and translocation to the mitochondria, cytochrome c SMAC release in the cytosol, and increased Fas-L levels.

These data support our hypothesis that CBD induces PCD through apoptosis-mediated mitochondria; However, CBD seems to initiate this form of PCD with both internal (t-BID translocation) and external stimuli (Fas-L, receptor death receptor).

We explored the relationship between CBD-induced apoptosis and autophagic cell death by blocking each form of PCD with specific caspase and autophagy inhibitors.

Inhibition of caspase decreased levels of CBD-induced apoptosis and protein markers in breast cancer cells, while inhibition of autophagy increased levels of CBD-induced apoptosis and protein marker expression.

These data suggest that blocking CBD oil-induced autophagy may affect a compensatory increase in apoptosis as an alternative means of PCD.

Beclin-1 can block autophagy when it forms a protein complex with Bcl-2. However, if beclin-1 is cleaved, this complex dissolution However, if beclin-1 is cleaved, this complex dissociates and autophagy is induced. Furthermore, this cleavage product translocates to the mitochondria and induces apoptosis by increasing cytocro release.